Onze prijzen in Waldcamping

Personen 13,00 €
Kinderen tot 3 jaar gratis
Kindderen van 4 tot 14 jaar 9,00 €
Parkeerplaats (Caravan incl. auto) 22,00 €
Parkeerplaats (Kampeerauto) 22,00 €
Tent plaats klein 9,00 - 20,00 €
Tent plaats groot (incl. auto) 22,00 €
Extra auto 5,00 €
Elekticiteit 6 Amp. 5,00 €
Hond 5,00 €
Badkamer pacht 15,00 €
Lokale belasting (vanaf 14 jaar) 2,10€
Omweltbelasting per plaats 3,00 €


Open from 15th of march until 9th of november 2025.

Prices include the following:
VAT, tax, indoor-swimming pool, hot water night and day, Südtirol Guest Pass and GoldCard, free access to fresh water and waste water, TV-SAT aerial connection, free WLAN.

The environment fee of 3,00 €  per place and the tourist tax of 2,10 € per person per night at the age of 14 years is not included in the tariff.


  • newly build adventure playground for young and old

Good to know:

  • underground parking for your caravan (price on request)
  • Free minigolf play on the new mini golf course next to the camping area


On cash payment

  • from 21 days 5% and
  • from one month 10% discount on the grand total.

Due to bad experiences no motorcyclists groups are allowed.